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VOL. 31:2 Absence and Longing

Price: $12.50 $9.95
SKU: V312
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(Volume 31, Number 2) "Longing longs for us. It wants us to wake up, to become conscious. It is divine intelligence longing to become known." Peter and Maria Kingsley, from "As Far As Longing Can Reach," featured in Parabola's Summer 2006 issue "Absence and Longing" "A Blinding Proximity" Patrick Laude Divine presence and human absence "And Where He comes from And Where He Goes" Bernard of Clairvaux Self-observation and counsel from a twelfth-century saint "Entering the Ordinary" Hilary Hart Lessons in simplicity and love "The Buddha Calling the Buddha" Kinrei Bassis Learning to listen "The Path of Yearning" Marc Gafni From separation to union "Glyphs" Sandra Alcosser Reading the landscape with Lewis and Clark "The Pain of Divine Love" Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee The sanctity of sorrow "In Time" Eduardo Galeano Translated by Mark Fried The voyage "between two flutterings" "The Formless Hunch" Peter Brook A way of working "As Far As Longing Can Reach" Peter and Maria Kingsley The energy of wanting "To Perfect Oneself in the Sense of Being" A conversation with Margaret Flinsch "Attention of the Heart" Abba Dorotheus "All that is Between Them" Omid Safi The journey from "there" to "here" "Lonliness and Presence" Thomas Berry Finding our place in the great community of being WHAT DOES RABBI STEINSALTZ SAY? "Educating Desire" Adin Steinsaltz HOLY EARTH | Being in Nature "The Apple and the Garden" Peter Lamborn Wilson TANGENTS | Arts in Review "Under the Surface of Things" Val Thorpe The architecture of Santiago Calatrava POETRY "Providence" A. R. Ammons "Villa on Zhongnan Mountain" Wang Wei "Where is the Angel?" Denise Levertov "The Meadowlark, The Mother" Sandra Alcosser EPICYCLES | Stories and Commentary "The Parable of the Magic Palace" Jewish | Yitkhak Buxbaum "The Seven Ravens" German | Suzan Donleavy-Johnston FILM REVIEWS Ushpizin | reviewed by Arthur Kurzweil BOOK REVIEWS Angelic Mistakes: The Art of Thomas Merton Roger Lipsey | reviewed by Anthony Bannon The Tibetan Book of the Dead Graham Coleman with Thupten Jinpa | reviewed by Matthew T. Kapstein Christian Teachings on the Practice of Prayer: From the Early Church to the Present and The Prayer of Fire: Experiencing the Lord's Prayer Prayer Lorraine Kisly | reviewed by Peter Samsel The Enchantments of Technology Lee Worth Bailey | reviewed by Miranda Mellis The Oxford Companion to World Mythology David Leeming | reviewed by William G. Doty Adventures with the Buddha: A Personal Buddhism Reader Jeffrey Paine | reviewed by Kobai Scott Whitney 128 pages
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