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$100 Donation

Price: $100.00
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Thank you for offering your support. Whether you are a long-time reader of Parabola or new to the Parabola community, you have arrived at this page because you understand the importance of Parabola. To those of you who can donate $100, we are happy to offer a free gift subscription.*

*At the bottom of the donation form, in the Comments/Text box, simply add the full name and address for each person receiving a gift subscription. Thank you.

For nearly 50 years, Parabola has served as the meeting ground for all of the world’s great spiritual traditions, as they illuminate the central questions of human existence. And in today’s world, where exchange among religions too often leads to conflict, even violence, rather than to understanding, Parabola’s mission is more important than ever.

We know you care deeply about these issues. And you are very much in the hearts and minds of our editors as we prepare each issue, newsletter, and web page. You inspire us as much as we hope we inspire you.

Parabola is published by a nonprofit organization. Our aim is to promote understanding and peace, not to make money. But like many nonprofits, our income does not provide sufficient funds to cover expenses. We have no endowment and no wealthy benefactor. But we do have a community of committed supporters…people like you. And it is through your generosity that we can continue our uniquely enriching conversation about the deepest, most important spiritual ideas and themes. Please make your tax-deductible donation to Parabola today.

Your support is deeply appreciated. Thank you.

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