Parabola's Fall 1981 issue:
Mask and Metaphor We are born, as it were, on stage, in the middle of a play we didn't write. To what extent, then, can we
act? Do we play the parts assigned to us, or do they play us? What have we to say about them? Almost nothing, certainly, as long as we are fooled by them; as long as we believe we
are those characters. And we have a terrible tendency to believe in appearances. We are played by our roles as long as they are more real for us than our own unseen reality. The masked and costumed character is visible and we confuse, it seems, the mask and the costume with the person behind them; we take the role for the player. What would it mean to wear a mask consciously, to play an intentional role? --from the editorial Focus
Cover: Statue of the monk Hoshi Photograph Zauho Press, Tokyo
In this issue:
- "Dancing with Dash-Kayah: The Mask of the Cannibal Woman" by Terry Tafoya
- Putting on the mask
- "Two-Way Mirrors" by Ron Jenkins
- Eastern and Western versions of mask
- "Inner Faces" by Ray Zone
- Masks in the popular formulas
- "Regarding the Invisible Marionettists" by Peyton Houston
- A poem
- "I Am Not What I Seem!" by Demorest Davenport
- An ethologist looks at masks in nature
- Arcs: "Through a glass, darkly..."
- The reflected image
- "The Human Image" by Adin Steinsaltz
- Physical and non-physical reality
- "Concerning the Puppet Theater" by Heinrich von Kleist
- Innocence and consciousness--a story
- "Coincidence of Opposites"
- A selection of images by Winifred Lambrecht
- "Lie and Glorious Adjective: An interview with Peter Brook"
- The transformative power of mask
- "The Healing Mask" by Stephen and Robin Larsen
- Search for identity
Tangents - Reviews
- "Moving Designs of Masked Emotion" by Barbara Stoler Miller
- The Kathakali
- "Goddess in the Belfry" by Nancy Willard
- Grandmothers and Wise Women in George MacDonald
Epicycles - Traditional stories from around the world
- "Tzarevna Lyagushka" / Russian retold by Ann Himler
- "The First Mask" / Dogon (African) retold by Laura Simms
- "The Transposed Heads" / Indian retold by Paul Jordan-Smith
- "The History of the Hollow-Men and the Bitter Rose" / Modern by Renv© Daumal