Parabola's Spring 1985 issue:
Wholeness This is
Parabola's first issue of Volume 10--the beginning of our tenth year. Looking back, we see how the magazine has changed with the years, and if we look inward as well, we see how we have changed with it; and yet,
Parabola is still quite recognizable, and so (alas) are we. It seems that willy-nilly everything follows a kind of circular process. There is no standing still, and no sudden transformation. The whole question, the only one to which our response is necessary, is whether the circles of our movement tend to become smaller or larger; whether they are closing down to a dwindling point, or opening to a greater and greater inclusiveness; whether or not, in other words, we are journeying toward wholeness. It is all a process, a
journey toward; it can never be an arrival. Even our "wholeness" is relative--the measure of our capacity to measure the immeasurable. --from the editorial Focus
Cover: Illustration by W. C. Segal from
The Ten Oxherding Pictures In this issue: Interviews
- "The Fullness of Emptiness" - His Holiness the Dalai Lama
- "Letting Go" - Helen M. Luke
- "The Long Journey" - Seyyed Hossein Nasr
- "Gentle Events" - Geoffrey Chew and Jacob Needleman
- "The Search for Being" - Pauline de Dampierre
- "Image and Likeness" - Bishop Kallistos Ware
- "The Ripening Persimmon" - Kobori Nanrei Roshi
- "The Vertical Adventure" - Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz
- "Answering Back" - Contributions from P.L. Travers, Janwillem van de Wetering, Brother David F. K. Steindl-Rast, Richard Lewis, Thomas Buckley, Jonathan Omer-Man, Roger Lipsey, Frederick Franck
Tangents - Reviews
- "The Merton Enigma" by Edward Rice
- A review essay on the official biography by Michael C. Mott
- "Effective Knowledge" by Paul Jordan-Smith
- Pondering Rene Guenon's Multiple States of Being
Epicycles - Traditional stories from around the world
- "Nirvana" / Tibetan from The Life of Milarepa
- "The Mother of Nations" / Iroquois retold by Joseph Bruchac
- "Portrait of Moses" / Haggadah retold by P. D. Ouspensky
- "The Marriage of the Virgin" / Apocrypha from "The Gospel of the Birth of Mary"
- "The Bringing to Life of Osiris" / Egyptian retold by Anne Twitty