Parabola's Winter 1989 issue:
Triad Why then should we speak particularly of
three? Perhaps because it signals the moment in the moving process of numbers when creation--we cannot say
begins, because it is born in the
one, but when it begins to manifest itself. We cannot see "relation" or "process" without the presence of the
third, the unseen combining and evolving element.
One brings forth its own two sides: male-female, plus-minus, for and against, the eternal contradiction which continues indefinitely in opposition until one side "wins," in which case nothing new happens; or until something else enters, a third thing--a new current or impulse which blends the opposites into a different, fourth entity. This is the process of creation, on all levels, physical and spiritual; we see its operation everywhere, and yet we never see it. --from the editorial Focus
Cover: "Squaring of the Circle" Emblem XXI from
Atalanta Fugiens by Michael Maier (Frankfurt, 1617) British Library, London
In this issue:
- "Green Grow the Rushes" by P. L. Travers
- The animating third force in fairy tale
- "Inner Surfaces" by Harry Remde
- The triad of body, mind, and feeling in craft
- "Singer, Text, and Song" by Rembert Herbert
- The process of relationship in Gregorian chant
- "The Chariot of Man: I"
- from Plato's Phaedrus
- "Three in One: Spirit, Matter, and Maya" by Eknath Easwaran
- Beyond dualism in Hindu philosophy
- "The Chariot of Man: II"
- from the Katha Upanishad
- "The Son of Heaven and Earth" by Renv© Guv©non
- Discovering "true man" from La Grande Triade
- "An Architecture of Changeless Change" by Claude Bragdon
- Universal laws in the art of painting and building
- "The Chariot of Man: III"
- from Le Bestiaire du Christ
- "Peter's Gate" by Helen M. Luke
- An alchemical rite of passage in Dante's Divine Comedy
- "A Buddhist Trinity" by Frederick Franck
- Christian and Eastern triune manifestations
- "The Pulse of Learning" by Richard Lewis
- Toward a holistic education of children
- "Robed in Dignity" by Thomas A. Dooling
- Judicial reconciliation of opposing demands
- "The Trinity in Music" by Herbert Whone
- The balance point between bow and string
- ARCS: "Trinities, Above and Below"
- "The Pipe of Reconciliation" by Joseph Epes Brown
- A Native American symbol of relationship
- "The Horse, the Carriage, and the Driver" by G. I. Gurdjieff
- Conscious suffering as a key to inner change
Epicycles - Traditional stories from around the world
- "Three Golden Hairs of Grandfather Wisdom" / Czechoslovak - Retold by Vv?t Horejs
- "The Triangle" / Irish - by James Stephens
- "The Wisdom of Solomon" / Jewish
- "The Rabbi and His Son" / Jewish - by Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlav