Parabola's Summer 1994 issue:
Twins The symbol of twins, so richly elaborated in the mythology of many cultures, is a picture of our own duality. The stories tell us that we are all twins, that the sense of duality is inborn. Whether we are outside looking in, or inside looking out, we are two--or more. --from the editorial Focus
Cover: The Hero Twins face underworld lord Itzamna Rollout photograph of a Maya vase by Justin Kerr (Kerr File #1183, copyright 1980) Courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and by permission of Justin Kerr
In this issue:
- "The Other . . . My Brother" by Lambros Kamperidis
- Archetypes of rivalry, complementarity, and synthesis
- "Gemini and the Path of Paradox" by Kat Duff
- An examination of the double astrological signs
- "Are Identical Twins Really Identical?" by E. Fuller Torrey, M.D.
- Dizygotic and monozygotic twins--the medical perspective
- "Jacob and Esau" by Helen M. Luke
- What we must learn from the Biblical story of rivalry and reconciliation
- "The Mall of America" by Doug Thorpe
- The embodiment of our society's shadow side
- "Sexual Doubles" by Wendy Doniger
- Stories of twins and erotic masquerades
- "Twins and Trade" by Marcel Griaule
- The Dogon notion of equality relating to human exchange
- "Finding One's Twin" by James Elniski
- A western artist's experience of the Yoruba twin cult
- "Sun and Moon" by Howard Teich
- The fundamental duality of life and the two sources of light
- "The Ways of a Navajo Warrior" by Trebbe Johnson
- How Monster Slayer and Born for Water protected the land
- "The Legend of the Vanishing Twin" by Hillel Schwartz
- The twin before, within, and beyond us
- "The Three Sexes" by Plato
- A classic look at the origin of the human species
- "Bushcows in the Sky" by Marion Kilson
- The relationship between human and spirit twins in Ga tradition
- "Given to the Light" by Cathy Crane
- The loss of one's twin before birth
Tangents - Reviews
- "The Hero Twins" by Ellen Dooling Draper
- Justin Kerr's photographs of ancient Maya pottery
- "An Auspicious Day for Demons" by Virginia Baron
- Cauldron's Evil: The Cosmic Shadow
Epicycles - Traditional stories from around the world
- "The Wolf Cubs" / Roman - retold by Tom White
- "First Twins" / Tewa - retold by Pablita Velarde
- "Black Knight, White Prince" / Hungarian - retold by Natalie Baan
- "Totoima and His Secret Daughter" / Papuan New Guinean - retold by Shanti Fader
- "The Curious Mice" / Mayan - retold by victor Montejo
- "How Night Came into Being" / Hindu - retold by D. K. M. Kartha
- "One Train May Hide Another" by Kenneth Koch
- "The Flemish Double Portrait" by James Laughlin