Parabola's Summer 1995 issue:
The Stranger When you accept the state of being a stranger, you are no longer a stranger. I have been an exile when everything around me seemed strange and everybody was a stranger. Once I accepted that I didn't have to belong and I didn't have to be part of the world, then I was free to be part of it. There was a paradoxical release of the spirit. The world became mine when I was no longer holding onto it. --from "Longing for Wholeness: An interview with Satish Kumar"
Cover: Cycladic figure, c. 2500 BCE. Photograph copyright John Bigelow Taylor.
In this issue:
- "Longing for Wholeness: An interview with Satish Kumar" - Being an insider and an outsider at the same time
- "Dweller on the Plain" by Eliezer Shore - Transcending the boundaries
- "The Bridge of Well-Being" by Mark Nepo - The stranger, the fellow, the completing other
- "Original Face" by Jennie Koralek - Moments beyond the ordinary
- "The Thirteenth Wise Woman" by P.L. Travers - The necessary wicked fairy
- "Fieldwork Enlightenment" by Barre Toelken - Are we the beneficiaries of other people's traditions?
- "Behind the Mask" by Frederick Franck - Camouflaging the stranger-within
- "Just Plain Shane" by William A. McIntosh - The unknown hero in American westerns
- "Night-Visitor" by Alexander Eliot - Edward Hopper's "Nighthawks"
- "The Stranger as Pathfinder" by Elaine Jahner - The one who shows the way home
- "What He Was Like" by William Maxwell - Secrets confided to a diary
- "The God with Two Faces" by Nouk Bassomb - Why is the stranger
- "In the Doorway" by Ellen Dooling Draper - The moment of encounter
- "A Glimpse of Eternity" by Martin Buber - Two views of the world
- "Family Matters" by Virginia Baron - The story of Ruth and Naomi
- "The Mysterious Stranger" by Mark Twain - Fatal enchantments
- "Crossing the Threshold" by Doug Thorpe - Those who have lost their way back
Tangents - Reviews
- "Tzaddik of Our Time" by Diane Wolkstein - A review of Shlomo Carlebach's Stories
Epicycles - Traditional stories from around the world
- "Oduduwa Brings up Many-People" / Yoruba - retold by Jeanette Ross
- "Woope and the Wind's Five Sons" / Lakota - from Sons of the Wind
- "Putana" / Hindu - retold by Margaret Case
- "Song of the Selchie" / Gaelic - retold by Shanti Fader