Parabola's Winter 1997 issue:
Miracles As you move through life your hope in miracles, in luck, in happy accidents, in immunity, disappears, along with your dread of the opposite. The miracle is not something that happens to you--it is all around you, and you are embedded in it, moving through it, part of it. --from "Climbing to Christmas"
Cover: The Resurrection of Lazarus Novgorod School, sixteenth century. Painting on wood. Icon Museum, Recklinghausen, Germany Giraudon/Art Resource, NY
In this issue:
- "With Visible Breath" by Joseph Bruchac - Sacred powers in Native American traditions
- "A Theater That Transforms Us" by William A. McIntosh - Giving drama to a teaching
- "The Milk of Miracles" by Eliezer Shore - The inner meaning of miraculous stories
- "Compassion's Flower" - An Interview with Orgyen Kusum Lingpa
- "Participants in Mystery" by S. Paul Burholt - Transubstantiation in the Christian Mass
- "Believing" by Joseph Cary - What is a miracle, and what is not?
- "My Druid Is Christ" by Mara Freeman - Legendary feats of the Celtic saints
- Arcs: "Upon the Waters"
- "Laws, Miracles, and Science" by Christian Wertenbaker - A multi-leveled cosmos
- "A Way of Healing" by Bernie S. Siegel - Searching for a new relation to disease
- "In the Valley of Astonishment" - An Interview with Basarab Nicolescu, by Jean Biv®s
- "Two Poems" by Denise Levertov
Tangents - Reviews
- "Climbing to Christmas" by Marvin Barrett - One man's journey to a miracle
Epicycles - Traditional stories from around the world
- "Sacred Ashes" / Hindu - retold by D. K. M. Kartha
- "A Small Miracle" / Hasidic - retold by Diane Wolkstein
- "The Legends of Habib" / Sufi - from Muslim Saints and Mystics
- "Ilomerika's Gift" / West African - retold by Eric Ruark