Parabola's Spring 1998 issue:
Millennium The threshold of the millennium is a reminder that we shape our own destiny and that how--or even whether--the next seven generations will live depends on us. The real question is: Will we reach deep enough into ourselves to meet this challenge with open eyes, a clear mind, and a compassionate heart? --from "The Millennium Effect"
Cover: Photograph of the galaxies Antennae in the constellation Corvus, via the Hubble telescope Courtesy of NASA photo unit, Washington, D.C.
In this issue:
- "Crossing the River" by Linda Hogan - Human time and earth time
- "Worlds Living and Dying" by Ravi Ravindra - Consciousness and cyclical existence
- "Point of Return" - An interview with Ursula K. Le Guin
- "The Age of Tikkun" by Eliezer Shore - Restoring the world's soul
- "On Memory and Numbers" by Thomas Moore - To keep count is to remember
- "Building the Buddha-Field" by J. L. Walker - The mandala as beginning and ending
- "Living on the Brink of Apocalypse" by Richard Erdoes - Scenes from the last millennium
- "Message to the Younger Brother" spoken by Ramon Gil Barros - Wisdom teachings of the Kaggaba-Wiwa
- "Signs of the Times" by Martin Lings - What "the end of the world" really means
- "Sacred Threshold" by S. Paul Burholt - History, eternity, and the Incarnation
- "The New Jerusalem" - from Revelation
- "The Millennium Effect" by Georg Feuerstein - An opportunity for transformation
- "A Work of Lamentation" by Joshua Leavitt - Purging negative emotions
Tangents - Reviews
- "Veils and Visions" by Rob Baker - The Apocalypse according to Wim Wenders
Epicycles - Traditional stories from around the world
- "The Land Where Time Stood Still" / Romanian - from World Tales
- "Vv?luspv°" / Norse - from The Masks of Odin
- "Before the Gates of Rome" / Jewish - from the Talmud
- "Remaking the World" / Brule Sioux - from American Myths and Legends