Parabola's Fall 1999 Issue:
Number & Symbol Cover: Tycho Brahe's planetary system in a 1660 version that incorporates Galileo's discovery of four moons of Jupiter. From William Gilbert's "De magnete," 1660. Courtesy of the British Library.
In this issue:
- "Creation by Numbers" by Eric LaVigne - Zero and one as generative forces
- "The Temple of Amount" by Eliezer Shore - In the reign of quantity
- "In Search of the World Tree" by P. L. Travers - The pillar that supports the cosmos
- "Enchanted Beasts and Faerie Women" by Mara Freeman - Celtic symbols of the soul
- "Sacred Qualities" by Sarah Voss - Power and significance in numbers
- "A Blessing of One's Own" by Helen M. Luke - Selections from her journal
- "The Tetraktys" by Robert Apatow - Mark of cosmic unity
- "Veve" by Lilith Dorsey - The sacred symbol of Vodoun
- "Forgotten Meaning" by Ananda K. Coomaraswamy - Art as a reminder of the real
- "Five in the Center" by Rebecca Robison - The mysterious, quintessential element
- "The One and the Many" by P. D. Ouspensky - On the transmission of knowledge
- "Crop Circles" by Michael Glickman - A modern-day enigma
- "A New Science of the Unknown" by Christian Wertenbaker - An interview with Pythagoras
- "Dancing Letters" by Gilla Nissan - The play of vowel and consonant
- "The Symbolism of the Mirror" by Titus Burkhardt - On reflecting divine light
- "The Many Disguises of Zero" by Marie Milis - Is emptiness a number?
Epicycles - Traditional stories from around the world
- "Odin's Quest" / Norse - from the Elder Edda
- "Ten Brothers That Begin with One" / Pacific Islands - retold by Daniel A. Kelin II
- "Dividing the Goose" / Russian - retold by Aleksandr Afanas'ev