Parabola's Winter 1999 Issue:
Evil When confronted with a Darth Maul, we know instinctively that this is something to be shunned...we either flee or fight it. But how do we fight a Darth Sidious; how do we fight the evil that seduces rather than threatens us? --from "In Sheep's Clothing: The Face of Evil in
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace"
Cover: Sith Apprentice Darth Maul from
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace In this issue:
- "The Evil That Men Do" by Philip Zaleski - Heeding the divine voice of conscience
- "The Burning Heart" by J. L. Walker - Suffering, mindfulness, and compassion
- "The Rung of Evil" by Martin Buber - An increment of goodness
- "Compelling Vice" by William McIntosh - The dramatic eloquence of evil
- "A View from the Abyss" by Viktor E. Frankl - Humanity in the death camp
- "The Transcendent Fury of Palden Lhamo" by Miranda Shaw - Protector of the Tibetan faith
- "The Last Demon" by Isaac Bashevis Singer - A story of hideous import
- "What Is Evil?" by Christopher Isherwood and Swami Prabhavananda - A view from Vedanta
- "Separation from the Good" - An Interview with Seyyed Hossein Nasr
- ARCS: "Speak No Evil"
- "While the Gods Play" by Wendy Doniger - Does evil have a beginning?
- "Fruits of Knowledge" by Rama P. Coomaraswamy - Questioning the garden of temptation
- "Have No Twisty Thoughts" by Ken Rose - Qi and traditional Chinese medicine
Tangents - Reviews
- "In Sheep's Clothing" by Shanti Fader - The lure of evil in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Epicycles - Traditional stories from around the world
- "The Tree of Evil Spirits" / Russian - retold by Nan Runde
- "Lo Kokelok" / Marshall Islands - retold by Daniel A. Kelin II
- "The Snake Who Lost His Hiss" / Hindu - retold by Kamla Kapur
- "Isis and Horus" / Egyptian - retold by Normandi Ellis