Parabola's Winter 2000 Issue:
Fate and Fortune Fate is not what happens to us; it's what we are-- if we are true to ourselves. --from "A Child of Good Fortune"
Cover:From Walter Crane,
The Sleeping Beauty Picture Book (New York: Dodd, Mead, 1899)
In this issue:
- "Misfortune's Fortune" by Laura Simms -That unpredictable play of reversal in stories
- "Moving Through Milestones" - An interview with Sobonfu Somv©
- "Beyond Fate" by David and Sharon Hoffman - Chance interventions in the inevitable
- "What Is Our Own Doing?" by Plotinus - A classic source on the soul's free will
- "The Winding Knot" by Mara Freeman - The Celtic geis
- "Destined Freedom" by Isha Schwaller de Lubicz - Her-Bak and the law of Necessity
- "A Child of Good Fortune" by Nan Runde - Story endings that cannot be undone
- "The Book of Vessels" by Howard Schwartz - A modern parable
- "Synchronicity" by C. G. Jung - Meaningful coincidences in our lives
- "Celestial Influence and Human Destiny" - An interview with Z'ev ben Shimon Halevi
- "'...and a little from Abdullah'" by Carol Ring - Practical measures to help avoid suffering
- "Turning the Riddle and Casting the Blue Clew" by Jan Darby - A Scottish way of fortunetelling
- ARCS: An Itinerate Luck
- "The Three Threads of the Cord" by Annie Bessant - A modern reconstruction of the Fates
- "'All That Thou Wishest!'" by Jean-Pierre de Caussade - Fate and God's will
- "The Spindle" by Boria Sax - The enduring symbol of our destiny
Epicycles - Traditional stories from around the world
- "The Ascetic and the Prostitute" / Hindu retold by Rama Devagupta
- "The Luck of Faradj, the Rope Maker" / Jewish (Afghanistan) retold by Peninah Schram
- "Maybe Good, Maybe Bad" / Chinese retold by Gray Henry
- "Satyavan and Savitri" / Hindu retold by Kamala Thiagarajan