Parabola's Fall 2002 Issue:
Grace In Beauty before me I walk, In Beauty behind me I walk, In Beauty below me I walk, In Beauty above me I walk, In Beauty all around me I walk, It is finished in beauty, It is finished in beauty, It is finished in beauty, It is finished in beauty. --Beauty Way Chant, Dinv© (Navajo) benediction
Cover:Detail of "Annunciation Angel" Painting by Fra Angelico Detail from fresco in the former dormitory of a Dominican monastery, c. 2450. San Marco, Florence, Italy Photo copyright © Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY
In this issue:
- "The Marriage of Grace and Sweat" by Thomas Moore - An essential effort of transcendence
- "A Tale of Wonders" by Nan Runde - Sir Gawain's grace of life
- "An Essential Leaven" by Kim Coleman Healy - The metaphor of bread
- "Fierce Grace" - An interview with Ram Dass
- "The Opposite of Gravity" by Bishop Seraphim Sigrist - The mysterious reconciliation of opposites
- "Through Beauty" by Rebecca Robison - Reaching for a harmonious whole
- POINT OF VIEW: "The Search for Real Gold" by Philip Zaleski
- "Rewards and Fairies" by Mara Freeman - How to receive the gifts of song and healing
- "Glimpsing the Waters of Life" Photos by Kevin Bubriski - A picture essay
- "Donum Dei" by Christopher Bamford - The hidden presence of the nondual
- "The Way of Union" by Vladimir Lossky - An Eastern Orthodox view
- "Guided Self-sufficiency" by Easton Waller - Is there a need for help?
- "Morning Wind in the Leaves" by Martha Heyneman - The three Graces of antiquity
Epicycles - Traditional stories from around the world
- "King's Grace of God's Grace?" / Hindu - retold by Rama Devagupta
- "Right and Not Right" / Jewish (Hasidic)
- "Giving and Grace" / Hindu - retold by D. K. M. Kartha
- "The Grateful Ghost" / Jewish (Sephardic) - retold by Josepha Sherman