(Volume 30, Number 1)
When we're awake, we see that we are and always have been complete and perfect beings in a complete and perfect world. We have discovered the energy of basic goodness, a pure radiance that has never known ignorance, anger, jealousy, or pride. Like a crystal, basic goodness is all colors, yet it is no color. It is profound, without beginning or end. --Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche
In this issue:
"Wake-up Calls: Some Ancient Hindu Myths" by Wendy Doniger - Reincarnation and deja-vu
"Passing Through the Sun-door" by Peter Samsel - Liberation from the realm of contraries
"I Sleep, but My Heart Is Awake" - An Interview with Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz
"Slumber Seizes Him Not" by William C. Chittick - The remedy for forgetfulness
"Waking" by Linda Hogan - Daily there is beauty
"What Do You See When You're Awake?" - Views from Martha Heyneman, Stephen Batchelor, Robert Aitken, Pir Zia Inayat Khan, Kate Wheeler, Marion Woodman, Thomas Moore, Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, Rabbi Rami Shapiro
"The Hidden Union" by Jacob Needleman - Transformational knowing
"Sensations" by Sri Anirvan - The harmonious body
"Eight Awakenings of Great Beings" by Dogen Zenji - The last teaching of Shakyamuni Buddha
"The Liberating Shock" by Paramahansa Yogananda
"In the Zone of Complexity" by Holmes Rolston III - Who we are, where we are
"Remember Where You Are" by Marcos Terena, as interviewed by Briane Keane - The struggle for a new society
"A Voice in the Present" by Peter Brook - William J. Welch reads Gurdjieff's Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson
"Artist of Light" by Michael Balchunas - James Turrell's Roden Crater
"Golden Lines" by Gerard de Nerval (translated by Robert Bly)
"The Wild Iris" by Louise Gluck
"Witness" by Denise Levertov from
"Middle of the Way" by Galway Kinnell
EPICYCLES - Traditional stories from around the world
"Sleeping Arthur" by Jane Yolen
"Jacob the Angel" by Howard Schwartz
"Opening One Eye at a Time" by Anne Twitty
"Beauty Sleeping" by Ellen Kushner
Resistance by Barry Lopez | reviewed by Doug Thorpe
Living Dreaming Dying by Rob Nairn | reviewed by Anne Overzee
A Course in Miracles by Helen Schucman | reviewed by Richard Smoley
Pain, Sex and Time by Gerald Heard | reviewed by Marvin Barrett
Legendary Ireland by Eithne Massey | reviewed by Mara Freeman