Parabola's Fall 2005 issue: Body and Soul (Volume 30, Number 3) "Spirit, Body, and In-between" by William Chittick Ambiguity and the intermediate realm "Bees of the Invisible World" by Martha Heyneman Rilke's soul at work "Intentional Blending" by G. I. Gurdjieff The birth of one's own initiative "Plural Souls" by Adin Steinsaltz Descent for the sake of ascension "The Fragrance of the Friend" An interview with Iraj Anvar "One Coffin--Two Corpses" by J. A. Taylor Zen ancestor's teaching through dying "Embodied in Air" by Lory Widmer Hess The vitality of vowels, the power of consonants "Except by Light" by Elizabeth Carothers Herron The enduring affection among all things "The Mind in the Hand" by Linda Hogan Living by feel "The True Human Body" An Interview with Jacob Needleman "Legitimate Duality" From MEDITATIONS ON THE TAROT Translated by Robert Powell Rooted in being or rooted in love? SCIENCE AND THE SACRED "The Pattern that is Me" by John Polkinghorne Two modes of engagement IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF THE ANCESTORS "Without Thunder There Is No Rain" by Moi Enomenga The danger of losing Spirit POETRY "The Spirit and the Soul" by Jack Gilbert "The Soul, Like the Moon" by Lal Ded "Poem" by Osip Mandelstam "After Wiating" by Gioia Timpanelli EPICYCLES - Traditional stories from around the world "The Nightingale" by Laura Simms "The Spinning Top" by Rabbi Nahman of Bratslav TANGENTS "Making Room for the Mystery" by Peter Lamborn Wilson Peter Brook's Tierno Bokar FILM REVIEWS Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith | reviewed by Bishop Seraphim Sigrist BOOK REVIEWS The Woman Who Pretended to be Who She Was: Myths of Self-Imagination by Wendy Doniger | reviewed by Stuart Smithers The Encyclopedia of Native Music by Brian Wright-McLeod | reviewed by Joseph Bruchac Why Birds Sing: A Journey into the Mystery of Bird Song by David Rothenberg | reviewed by Melissa Kwasny Almost Paradise: New and Selected Poems and Translations by Sam Hamill | reviewed by Kristen Andersen Graceful Exits: How Great Beings Die by Sushila Blackman On Living and Dying by Jiddu Krishnamurti | reviewed by Richard Smoley FULL CIRCLE | Letters